At ANS, our After School Sports program stands as a testament to our dedication to student growth, wellness, and leadership beyond the classroom. Welcoming over 500 young athletes from Kinder to 12th grade, our program is designed to offer something for everyone, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity and excellence in line with our mission of academic excellence and ethical global leadership.

Participants in the program have the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports and activities, each aimed at fostering teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle. Our diverse offerings include:

• Basketball
• Chess
• Soccer
• Swimming

• Track & Field
• Volleyball
• Gymnastics
• Robotics

Every sport and activity under our After School Sports program is guided by certified coaches who bring expertise and a passion for nurturing young talent. Their guidance ensures that students not only enhance their athletic skills but also learn the values of respect, perseverance, and sportsmanship.

For detailed information on available activities, age group specifics, and schedules for the 2023/24 academic year, please visit our 2023-24 After School Sports Schedule.

Our After School Sports program is more than just an extracurricular activity; it’s an integral part of our students’ holistic development, supporting them in becoming well-rounded individuals who carry the lessons learned on the field into all areas of their lives.

Afterschool Teams

basketball teams
gymnastics teams
soccer teams
swimming teams
volleyball teams
robotics teams
Games played in a year
0 +
# Teams
Number of aftershool sports
# Championships
sportsmanship awards

“I celebrate students who have signed with the following collegiate teams to play sports as they continue their education at selective universities. student-athletes have committed to the following schools”

waleska navarrete

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